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AEGIS . Singapore
Hits:3647  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2015-07-24 15:11:10

Aegis . Singapore (ARK VISION) incorporated in Singapore on 20th August 1998, is a focused stockist and supplier of marine spares & equipment to shipping related establishments. Since then, we have consistently strengthened our position in the Asian market to become the largest and most dynamically developed stockist and supplier of new & reconditioned, genuine & OEM marine spares and equipment. We operate from approximately 32,000 square feet warehouse & workshop in Tuas, Jurong, in close proximity to the Shipyards and key supporting services, eg, equipment manufacturers, machining & logistics service providers, etc. We have achieved ISO 9001 quality certification from Lloyd’s Register and BizSafe Level 3 from the Singapore Government. Ark Vision is engaged in:

  • Stocking and supply of wide variety of machinery & spare parts for Main & Auxiliary Engines, Air Compressors, Fuel Oil and Lub Oil Purifiers, Turbochargers, Pumps, Hydraulic Motors & Pumps, Boilers, etc.
  • Supply of Genuine & OEM, New and Reconditioned Spare Parts (larger components) and re-manufactured machinery
  • Carry out afloat repair, installation & commissioning, troubleshooting
  • Distributor of SMECO pistons & liners, PMAX washable turbocharger air filters, Northey gas compressors, Magnus Chemicals, ACE Marine pneumatic hydraulic pumps, etc.
  • Market own line of Ark Vision service air compressors, dryers & filters

Call Center:+86 21 20975028  +86 21 20975062  Mobile:+86 136 716 88208
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