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Invite to visit our Stand in Marintec China 2019
Hits:2489  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2020-05-20 16:35:08

AEGISIND warmly welcome you to visit ourstand No.: Hall W3F41 shanghai Pudong government joint booth in Marintec China2019 from 3rd December to 6th and we prepare the gifts to share happiness.

This year is the 40th anniversary of Marintec China. The great achievements today of marine industry are not easily taken, and every step is hard and crucial. Chinese marine industry has witnessed abeautiful chapter for national defense construction and national economic development, which has made China a leader in the world's shipbuilding powers.

Call Center:+86 21 20975028  +86 21 20975062  Mobile:+86 136 716 88208
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