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[Breaking News] in 2021, China's ship-building industry is TOP1 in the world
Hits:2186  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2022-01-04 15:49:32

According to the preliminary statistics released on January 2 by Clarkson research, an authoritative research and analysis institution in the global shipbuilding and shipping market, the global turnover of new ship orders in 2021 was 1846, 45.73 million revised gross tons (CGT)
Among them, China has undertaken 965 22.8 million cgts, ranking first in the world with nearly 50% market share;
South Korea has undertaken 403 17.35 million cgts, ranking second in the world with a market share of 38%.

It is understood that with the sharp rise in sea freight since 2021, the number of container ship orders has increased by more than 10 times compared with 2020, and China has undertaken more than 50% of container ship orders with strong competitiveness. Novel coronavirus pneumonia, which is also affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the "super cycle" of shipbuilding industry that has come again after 10 years, has been in the abnormal situation in the 2021. Most of them have been concentrated in the first half of the year, so they have been ahead of China in terms of orders, but this situation reversed in September. Last September, the new ship orders undertaken by Chinese shipbuilding enterprises reached 1.95 million revised gross tons (75), surpassing the 910000 revised gross tons (14) of Korean shipbuilding enterprises, ranking first in the world.

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