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New happened at Shanghai Port
Hits:2452  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2022-10-24 15:09:37

Dubai globegroup began to layout the Chinese market in 2005. At present, it has opened business outlets in Hong Kong, Qingdao, Yantai, Yiwu and other places. This time, the headquarters of China region is located in Shanghai Lingang, which is precisely focused on the unique location advantages of the new area sitting on the global supply chain hub of airports and seaports and the "double special" system innovation advantages of special economic functional areas superimposed with special comprehensive bonded areas.

The settlement of Dubai Global China is of great significance to Shanghai, especially the new port area. According to the "14th five year plan" for the construction of high-level global shipping hubs in the New Lingang area of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone released last year, by 2025, the New Lingang area will be basically built into a high-energy global shipping hub with open and innovative shipping system, complete shipping hub wisdom, efficient shipping logistics service system and high-end shipping service industry agglomeration, We will help Shanghai international shipping center develop by leaps and bounds from being basically completed to improving its energy level, and improve the energy level and efficiency of the allocation of elements of international and domestic shipping resources. Dubai universal is one of the world's three largest harbor terminal operators. Its main business covers the investment and operation of port terminals and logistics parks and end-to-end supply chain services. Its business network covers 69 countries and 190 outlets on six continents. The settlement of this giant in Shanghai will strongly promote the construction of high-energy global shipping hub in the new port area. (source: China water transport network)

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