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Marine Field Fuel Catalyst Particle Content Tester PO100
Hits:2446  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2024-01-12 08:08:08

Marine Field Fuel Catalyst Particle Content Tester PO100

The catalyst particles in marine heavy oil are aluminum+silicon. It is caused by the catalyst particles of aluminum and silicon added in the petroleum refining process due to the catalytic cracking process. When the content of catalyst particles exceeds the standard (ISO8217 standard is 60ppm), it will lead to abnormal wear of diesel engine cylinder liner - piston ring in a short time and cause serious failure of cylinder pulling and even cylinder biting.

This product can be used for rapid detection of fuel catalyst particle content on board, monitoring the separation effect of fuel dispensers and preventing the risk of abnormal cylinder liner wear due to excessive catalyst particle content in diesel engines.This product has simple operation, fast detection, and can realize the quantitative analysis of fuel catalyst.It is recommended to take samples to test the aluminum and silicon content of the fuel added during refueling or in the sedimentation cabinet, as well as to take samples to test the aluminum and silicon content of the fuel after separation in the dispenser in the daily use cabinet to evaluate the separation effect.

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