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航运一周要闻 Shipping Week Highlights
Hits:2016  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2022-10-24 15:09:40

《“十四五”可再生能源发展规划》发布 多处涉及船海产业






Today, nine departments including the national development and Reform Commission released the "14th five year plan" for renewable energy development (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"). The plan proposes that by 2025, the total consumption of renewable energy will reach about 1billion tons of standard coal, and the annual power generation of renewable energy will reach about 3.3 trillion kwh. During the "fourteenth five year plan" period, the increment of renewable energy power generation accounted for more than 50% of the increment of electricity consumption in the whole society, and the amount of wind and solar power generation doubled. Many parts of the plan involve the shipbuilding industry.

The plan proposes to orderly promote the construction of offshore wind power bases. The provincial offshore wind power planning system was revised, planning environmental impact assessment was carried out simultaneously, offshore wind power layout was optimized, and local governments were encouraged to issue supporting policies to actively promote the large-scale development of offshore wind power. Carry out the far-reaching offshore wind power planning, improve the development, construction and management of the far-reaching offshore wind power, promote the innovation and demonstration application of the far-reaching offshore wind power technology, explore the centralized transmission and centralized operation and maintenance mode, actively promote the cost reduction and efficiency increase of the far-reaching offshore wind power, and carry out the far-reaching offshore wind power parity demonstration. Explore and promote the construction demonstration of offshore energy island with the characteristics of offshore energy resource supply and conversion hub, and build integrated facilities for conversion and utilization of various energy resources, such as marine energy, energy storage, hydrogen production, seawater desalination, etc. Accelerate the development of offshore wind power clusters, focusing on the construction of five offshore wind power bases in Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, Southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong and Beibu Gulf.

The plan proposes to promote green hydrogen substitution in key areas such as transportation. Promote the demonstration application of fuel cells in industrial and mining areas, port areas, ships, key industrial parks, etc., comprehensively promote the construction of green hydrogen terminal supply facilities and capacity, and increase the proportion of green hydrogen used in transportation.

The plan proposes to strengthen research on cutting-edge renewable energy technologies and core technology and equipment. Focus on the research and development of ultra large offshore wind turbines, and break through the key technologies of electrolytic water hydrogen production equipment suitable for flexible hydrogen production from renewable energy. Promote innovation and breakthrough of large capacity wind turbine; Promote the development of new electrolytic water equipment suitable for hydrogen production from renewable energy; Accelerate the development of new energy storage devices with large capacity, high density, high safety and low cost. (source: National Development and Reform Commission)




• IMO海上环境保护委员会第78届会议(MEPC 78)要点快报

国际海事组织(IMO)海上环境保护委员会第78届会议(MEPC 78)于2022年6月6日至10日以远程方式召开。会议重点审议了强制性文件修正案、压载水有害水生物、空气污染预防、船舶GHG减排、海上塑料垃圾、污染预防及响应等。



1、MARPOL 附则I修正案(MEPC.343(78)),主要修订油船破损稳性条款关于水密门的要求。将于2024年1月1日生效。

2、MARPOL 附则II修正案(MEPC.344(78)),主要修订附录I(有毒液体物质的分类指南)中GESAMP有害评定程序简要说明。将于2023年11月1日生效。


















The 78th session of the Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC 78) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was held remotely from June 6 to 10, 2022. The meeting focused on the review of amendments to mandatory documents, harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water, air pollution prevention, GHG emission reduction of ships, marine plastic waste, pollution prevention and response, etc.

Three virtual working groups were established in this meeting: ballast water review working group (RG), drafting group of amendments to mandatory documents, and technical group designated for special areas under MARPOL. The summary of key issues is as follows:

(1) Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory documents

1. Amendment to Annex I of MARPOL (mepc.343 (78)), mainly amending the requirements for watertight doors in the damaged stability clause of oil tankers. Will take effect on 1 January 2024.

2. Amendment to Annex II of MARPOL (mepc.344 (78)), mainly amending the brief description of GESAMP hazard assessment procedure in Annex I (classification guide for toxic liquid substances). It will take effect on November 1st, 2023.

3. The amendment to IBC rules (mepc.345 (78)) mainly revises the requirements for watertight doors in the requirements for residual capacity of ships. Will take effect on 1 July 2024.

(2) Ballast water harmful aquatic organisms

1. Uniform interpretation of Appendix I of BWM Convention

2. Issues related to experience accumulation period (EBP) of Ballast Water Convention

3. Application of the Convention on ship ballast water in port operation challenging water quality

4. Temporary storage of grey water and treated domestic sewage in ballast tank

5. Gesamp-bwwg working method

6. Revision of ballast water record book and ballast water report format

7. Approve the revised "method guide for counting living organisms for bwms type approval" to bwm 2/Circ. 61/Rev. 1 release

(3) Air pollution

(4) Ship greenhouse gas emission reduction

(5) Follow up work of the action plan for marine plastic waste treatment from ships (VI) Pollution Preparedness and response

(7) Other sub committee reports

(8) Designation and protection of special areas, emission control areas and PSSAs

(9) Work plan of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies

(10) Other matters

For more details, see CCS official release (source: China Classification Society)




• 2天获88亿订单!3大船型都有





According to Yonhap and Korea edaily website, on June 8, Korea shipbuilding ocean, the shipbuilding business holding company of Hyundai Heavy Industry Group, announced that the company had received a total of 10 new ship construction orders, with a total value of about 1.1045 trillion won, or about 884million US dollars. Taking into account the orders for two large liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers worth 430million US dollars announced on June 7, Korea shipbuilding ocean has won 12 new ship orders worth 1.314 billion US dollars (about 8.8 billion yuan) in two days. It is reported that on the same day, South Korea shipbuilding ocean obtained 10 new ship orders, including 6 8000TEU container ships and 4 bulk carriers. Among them, six 8000TEU container ships signed construction contracts with a European ship owner, worth about 923.3 billion won, will be built by Hyundai Sanhu heavy industries, a subsidiary of Korea shipbuilding ocean, and is expected to be delivered before the second half of 2025; Four bulk carrier construction contracts were signed with an African ship owner, with a value of about 181.2 billion won, and will be built by Hyundai Weipu shipbuilding, a subsidiary of Korea shipbuilding ocean. The specific parameter information of this type of ship has not been disclosed.

On June 7, Korea shipbuilding ocean announced that it had obtained an order for two 174000 m3 LNG carriers from a European ship owner, with an amount of 537.5 billion won, which will be built by Yushan shipyard under Korea shipbuilding ocean, and is expected to be delivered in the first half of 2025. Although Korea shipbuilding marine did not disclose the specific information of the two LNG ships, the Yonhap quoted South Korean insiders as saying that this order was a LNG carrier whose berth was reserved by Qatar and Korea shipbuilding marine in 2020.

Up to now, Korea shipbuilding ocean has undertaken 109 orders for ship and sea equipment of US $13.05 billion this year, achieving about 74.8% of its annual order receiving target of US $17.44 billion. (source: China Shipping News)




• 日本新一代煤炭运输船,创新动向值得关注!


日前,由大岛造船(Oshima Shipbuilding)建造的新一代煤炭运输船“HOKULINK”轮命名仪式举行,该船将由商船三井(MOL)运营,专门服务于日本北陆电力(Hokuriku Electric Power)。在这之前,我们可以先回顾一下商船三井与大岛造船之前合作的一个煤炭运输船项目——“Wind Challenger”(风挑战者)。这是全球首艘装有硬翼风帆的煤炭运输船,翼帆采用玻璃纤维增强塑料(GFRP)为材料,通过减轻重量以扩大整体面积,从而最大限度地利用风能推进,并能够根据风的强度在四个阶段进行自动伸缩,智能旋转调整到可以充分利用风力的方向。根据计划,“风挑战者”项目船舶将于今年秋季开始运营于日本-澳大利亚航线。

而载重吨为89999吨的“HOKULINK”轮商船三井精心打造的“EeneX”系列煤炭运输船中的第二艘,该船船长234.96米,型宽38米,吃水20.05米,双层结构使得货舱的侧面完全平坦,进而无需刮煤,提高了卸货作业的效率,加快货物处理速度。Next: 航运一周要闻 Shipping week highlights Prev: Marintec China 2023

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